Inspired by Covid Memorial, Rami’s Heart in the USA.
In March 2021, two families who understand the heartache of not being with their loved ones as they died, couldn’t bury them in the traditional way and were denied the opportunity to mourn, came together to honour and celebrate all lives lost during the Covid 19 pandemic.
The vision for the Memory Stones was brought to life; each stone inscribed with the name of a lost loved one, as well as a drawing of something meaningful to that person.
Since then, our circa 320 stones have travelled across Northern Ireland and ventured into Donegal. Our memorial Facebook page has grown to just under 55,000 followers from all around the world and a private support group provides a safe space for people to share their grief without fear of judgement.
We have hosted four reflection events, incorporated as a community project with constitution and steering group, worked with the Committee for Commemoration chaired by Baroness Morgan, worked in partnership with CRUSE Bereavement Support NI to reshape bereavement services and facilitated workshops to look at specific needs within the pandemic bereaved community.
The messages written on these prints convey the heartache the bereaved carry every day, and illustrates the importance of the Memory Stones Project.

Memory Stones of Love on tour 25 July 2021 – The Silver Strand (An Tra Bhan) is a horseshoe shaped beach situated at Malin Beg, near Glencolmcille in South West Co. Donegal with approximately 170 steps to reach the shore.

Memory Stones of Love Candlelight vigil 27 September 2021 – The stones are lovingly placed in a heart shape at the steps of Stormont Parliament Buildings.

National Day of Reflection 23rd March 2023 – Memory Stones of Love played a pivotal role in the National Day of Reflection initiated by Marie Curie in March 2021 outside the Belfast City Hall, where families gathered to honour those dear to them.

National Day of Reflection 23rd March 2023 – Memory Stones of Love played a pivotal role in the National Day of Reflection initiated by Marie Curie in March 2021 outside the Belfast City Hall, where families gathered to honour those dear to them.